In recent years, yoga has emerged as the alternative healing system of medicine. It does not count only on the physical or psychological disease but aims at dissolving spiritual sufferings also. Today, everything we eat, breathe, and live our lives has brought about the danger of diseases. We are predisposed to thousands of ailments in our day-to-day practices without knowing it. In such conditions, deep cleansing practices like yoga and Ayurveda work as a saviour, which can be learned in the Ayurveda yoga course in Rishikesh.
Ayurveda- what is it?
Ayurveda is a year-old scientific healing art that utilizes the effects of herbs and their benefits on the human body. It is an integral part of Vedic Indian culture and has expanded to many Asian countries along with Buddhist monks. It is derived from the Sanskrit abbreviation Ayur, which means life, and Veda, which means knowledge. Ayurveda describes three fundamental energies in our body, which are Vata (air), Pitta(fire), and kaph (earth). These are responsible for our nature’s different behaviours and characteristics, body types and expressions of various diseases.
Ayurveda yoga teacher training held within
Yoga and Ayurveda are both considered twin sisters. They are dependent on each other’s principles for their actions. Yoga should always apply based on Ayurveda and vice versa. Yoga for healing should always follow Ayurvedic guidelines for disease diagnosis, treatment and health if you want to practice yoga based on year-old original Vedic science. Many other medicines around the globe, like Buddhist and Tibetan medicine, have their primary roots in Ayurveda. In this way, yoga can be used medicinally, as taught in the Ayurveda training in Rishikesh.
Yoga practices through Ayurvedic teachings
It is the yoga practice in correlation with the knowledge of the ayurvedic textbooks. So yoga is divided into different sections embodied by the nature of the disease and its treatment and how they are connected to each other. This is one of the beautiful systems of total health and well-being that is effective and painless.
It addresses all the issues and aspects of medicine, like diet, drug abuse, habits, genetic predisposition, and family history, and chooses the mantras, asana, and meditation schedule accordingly for the individual. While modern medicine is helpful in understanding the background of the disease, yoga through Ayurveda helps detoxify the body spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Ayurveda yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh focuses on the essential studies to equate yoga and Ayurveda to bring out the full healing potential of each. Bringing Ayurveda into yoga incorporates the Vedic system of medicine to have complete healing benefits of yoga
Very out standing contribution towards wellness and spirituality .A perfect Institution than of it’s kind. I’m very much interested to be a trainee but my age constraint may not allow me to participate.