Sivananda Yoga class is based on an action plan comprising twelve complete asanas, one after the other. It can be combined with an exercise like Surya Namaskar or Hatha Yoga. In Sivananda’s style of yoga practice, a sequence of asanas is followed one after the other. The seeker needs to control the breath and coordinate this breathing with physical activities while focusing on mental awareness. It is monitored with the body’s movement, other forms of meditation, and linking and pranayama-like meditation. This requires obtaining the essential benefits of yoga: the mental aspect, the physical domain, and the spiritual action.
In the sequence of yoga practice, the session begins with Shirshasana or Sivanandasana. This is a complex yoga asana that may seem challenging to begin with. Also, it requires focus and hard work. Once mastered, there are many positive aspects to it. It affects the top of the head, where the brain is located, regulates body functions, and makes blood flow to the brain more efficient. The next yoga asana is performed in basic yoga postures, focusing on the subconscious mind and activity. Like Shoulder Stand or Kalimba Sarvangasana, this asana stimulates the upper body. Strengthens the muscles of the upper body, especially the muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper back.
The next asana is matsyasana, or fish pose, which stimulates the lower body and pelvic region.
All three asanas have the potential and power to affect different organs and glands. They affect the thyroid and thymus glands, both responsible for metabolism. These asanas also affect circulation, which affects the heart’s overall health.
Likewise, it also includes an array of back-bending poses, such as cobra pose or locust. This action involves the lower organs of the body, such as the reproductive systems of the female and male, kidneys, and intestines, and is hence related to fertility and digestion.
The last asana in the series is Shavasana, or Corpse pose. It is a more relaxed position than the more rigid force pose. When the body is decompressed, this main action is from the external senses and passes through the body’s external consciousness.