Prasarita Padottanasana C
Meaning: Prasarita means spread out, Padottan asana is composed by Pado that means foot or leg, Uttana that means intense stretch, and Asana that means pose.
Step by Step Method: To enter in this asana, start from the stand position of Tadasana and step the legs about three/four feet apart (depends on the height). Feet should be parallel, with the toes turned slightly inward. The hand’s fingers interlocks behind the back, helping to roll the shoulder back. Bend the body forward, keeping the hips at the same level, stretch the spine and push the arms forward, trying to reach the floor with the pinky finger. If possible, rest the crown of the head on the floor.
Wrong alignment: like all the position whose apply stretch to the legs, a micro bending of the knees is always preferable rather than a hyper extension. Another wrong alignment could be the missing straightness of the spine, due to the rush to reach the floor with head.
Correct alignment: anchor your feet, and firm the legs muscles up to the hips, gently squeeze the outer thighs in. Lengthen the entire spine from the sitting bone to the crown of the head. These could be some tips to refine the posture.
Prasarita Padottanasana C Benefits:
- Strength and stretch the spine, the inner and back of the legs
- Tones abdominal muscles
- Calms the brain and increases blood flow to the upper body
- Heals mild backache
- Reliefs pain
- Eliminates fatigue
Who should avoid it: people for whom there is a risk of stroke or too much pressure in the head. Taking the head below the heart is usually considered unwise for people with conditions such as high blood pressure, history of stroke, tendency to headaches or migranies.